Children Services locations include:
Making Rainbows Hope
Making Rainbows Lewisville
Bright Beginnings Prescott
Developmental Preschool
The Preschool component provides Early Intervention Day Treatment (EIDT) services to children birth to five years of age diagnosed as developmentally delayed in two or more of the areas as defined by DDS. A comprehensive program plan is developed to address each child’s needs.
Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapy
Children with delays in physical, occupational, and speech development and qualify for services, receive treatment in-center by licensed therapist as a part of their EIDT programming.
Developmental Therapy/Early Intervention
Developmental Therapy/Early Intervention is a combination of center and home-based programs. It is designed to provide individual training and specialized therapies to individuals (0-3 years) who are diagnosed as developmentally delayed.
Arkansas Better Chance
Children that are at risk for developmental delay are provided preschool services through Arkansas Better Chance programming lead by degreed preschool staff.
Child Care Services
The child care component serves children birth to 12 years of age who are in need of child care services. This service provides a comprehensive program based on a typically developing child.