CALLING ALL UNDERACHIEVERS! This event is perfect for you!
Introducing the 0.5k – The Underachiever’s Crawl is not your normal fun run. This event takes you across 0.31 miles – 1,640 feet – 19,685 inches. It’s unlike any other run around!
The Crawl will start off with a leisurely stroll to the first stop. There, you can carb load for the “big race” with donut holes and cinnamon rolls. Don’t worry, we will keep you hydrated along the way with a hot chocolate/chocolate milk station. Upon finishing this clearly physically and mentally taxing 0.5k, you’ll celebrate crossing the finish line with – what else but more breakfast sweets! But don’t be caught coming in first, that boo award goes to the overachiever. Keep your eye on the prize and come in last. That’s how you win an underachiever’s crawl!!
Saturday, October 5th 9am
104 S. Elm Street, Downtown Hope
Registration Fee: $25 adults $15 children
Registration/check-in begins at 8:45am. Crawl time (Rain or Shine) 9am-9:30am.
To Register on-line click here